Monday, June 23, 2008

1 month old

Well. Not quite. But she's pretty close and that's unbelievable. It really doesn't seem like this little angel has been with us that long, but the calendar says so. At this point I really can't imagine life without her. She's so fun to play with and snuggle with. We're doing our best to do all the right things, but she's still sleeping in the pack-and-play in our room. I know we should try and have her in her crib, but it's a lot easier for Ashley to get up and feed her in the middle of the night, or reinsert her 'binky' when she spits it out. It's pretty common for me to wake up when my alarm goes off for work in the morning to see her lying in the bed between us. I'm loving every minute of it.
I talked to my friend Chad today (who just had a little boy a few days after we had Claire) and asked him a question. I said, "Do you find yourself so amazed at him today, that you can't possibly imagine how you'll feel a year from now?" He agreed completely. I'm sure that most of you reading this that already have kids (that includes you Mom, yes I know, I love you too) are saying "This is what you're supposed to feel, Bryan." I know, but it's so new and it gets better every day.
OK, dad's going to get off his sentimental soap box and post a couple of new pics and a video. Thank you so much for reading!! It's so awesome to share this with old friends (I love you Claudia!) and new ones (I h8uirl Nerdia! j/k <3).>
(Click on the pictures to see a larger version)


Country Craft Gourds & More said...

I tell ya' the older she gets the more she looks like Bryan and Donald! Except her hairline is a little different! LOL!!! She's not big enough to be in her own room yet! That's too far away! Give her a little while longer!

Katie B said...

She will never cease to amaze you....and you are on a lifetime "sentimental soapbox" . Welcome to being a daddy to a beautiful little girl!

Emily and Jonathan Kent said...

The new header looks really cool! You will have to share some of your blogging skilz with the me:) Ashley is on her way over....can't wait!!!

Claudia said...

Bryan you are such a proud Dad!!! That's so wonderful to "see" (even if it is through a blog).

We got Nicolas out of our room when he was two months old - it was easy for us b/c by then he was already on formula (my "supply" wasn't sufficient for the little-big man) but each child is different, you two just need to do what you feel is right, not what the books or everyone else tells you, if there is something God gives you after he brings you this sweet little miracles is this "sixth sense" when you just know that what you are doing is right for your child.

Isn't it amazing how you can't imagine your life without her??? It's great you have this moments at the beginning because when they are closer to two you feel like you are ready for them to be going to College ... ha ha ha (half way truth ... half joke!)

I'm so glad you got this blog!!

Thank You!!!! Great pictures and videos.

I'm jealous of your well behave dogs, our dog couldn't care less about Nicolas ... they are just now being friends! Oh well ...

Sorry for the long comment! couldn't help it.

David & Linda said...

She is so adorable! You are right - Just wait! Loved the videos and new photos! Congrats!
Because HE Lives, Linda and David B.
PS - I've been making you guys finally feel real old... Luke graduated high school and starts college this fall!

Tarheelmom66 said...

Hi Bryan and Ashley...
Just wanted to congratulate you both on your beautiful daughter, Claire. Your mom sent me a link to your blog and have been enjoying the pictures, videos and your comments. The time goes by so quickly that you sometimes forget when things happened, so having the picture and video images are a wonderful way to keep a record. I would always forget to write things down in the baby book or date the backs of pictures. Take care and keep up the good work!